



1. The Top Vase class is for a vase of between 5 and 10 fresh homegrown mixed flowering stems taken from a minimum of two different kinds of plants of two different genera (not two varieties of same genera e.g. not pinks and carnations which are all from dianthus).

2. Max. 25 points for colour, form, condition, quality and freshness. Max.10 points for presentation and effect. Vase will be viewed from all directions.

3. Stems must show flowers only (no seed heads or berries). Vase (defined as a vessel that can hold cut flowers that is taller than it is at its widest point) any size, shape, material but must be in proportion to display. No marks awarded for the vase.

4. No accessories whatsoever (e.g.foliage, bows, etc.). Foliage still attached to the stem is allowed. Packing material (e.g. oasis) to keep stems in place is allowed.


1. Top Tray Class is for a display of three types of vegetable from the following list of eight. The quantity required of each vegetable chosen for the display is in brackets. Carrots(3), Cauliflowers(2), Onions(3), Parsnips(3), Peas(6 pods), Potatoes(3), Runner Beans(6 pods), Tomatoes (6). Carrots and Parsnips must have foliage trimmed back to 7.5cm (3”). Peas and Beans must be displayed with some stalks attached. Tomatoes must be displayed with calyces.

2. A maximum of 60 points with each vegetable judged using a scale of 20 points split into 7 points for size, 7 points for condition, 6 points for uniformity. All vegetables to be displayed for effect.

3. The vegetable must be displayed within an area measuring 45cm x 60cm (18” x 24”), without bending any part of them. No part of the exhibit may exceed the tray size.

4. A tray or board may be used or the area marked on the staging. All measurements must not exceed those stated in no.3 and if using a tray, internal measurements (not including lip) must not exceed those measurements.

5. A black cloth is permitted and the tray may be painted. Parsley is permitted for garnishing but no other foliage or accessories such as plates, sand rings etc. Onion tops may be tied using rafia or string.


1. All exhibits must be staged in the Town Hall by 10:00am on Saturday 13th September 2025. Judging commences at 10.15am prompt when the Town Hall will be closed to the public and all persons other than those officially engaged by the Show Committee must leave the Town Hall to enable the judges to make awards.

2. All exhibits to remain in place until 4.15pm. Anything left on the tables at 4.40pm will be sold for donations.

3. All exhibits are entered at owner’s risk. The society cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage.

4. The prizes shall be awarded as printed in the schedule. If there are under four entries in any class, the prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the judges.

5. There must only be one entry per person in Classes 1 to 33, 38 to 77 and 110 to 140.

6.The entry fee for all classes is 50p for adults and 25p for children. No refund will be given in the event of failure to stage the exhibits entered and entries are non-transferable.

7.Exhibits must not previously have been staged at Masham.

8.Entry card and labels to be collected when staging.








Competition Entry



To enter the competition please download and complete the excel document below and return it to Mashamshire Horticultural Society.